
class pydu.request.Filename

Supply several methods to get filename.


Detected filename as unicode or None.


Detect filename from Content-Disposition headers if present. headers could be a dict, list or string.

from_any(dst=None, headers=None, url=None):

Detect filename from dst or headers or url., dst=None)

High level function, which downloads URL into tmp file in current directory and then renames it to filename autodetected from either URL or HTTP headers. url indicates which url to download. dst is the filename or directory of destination. None as default, means download to current directory.

pydu.request.check_connect(p, port, retry=1, timeout=0.5)

Check whether given ip and port could connect or not. It will retry and timeout on given.

>>> from pydu.request import check_connect
>>> check_connect('', 80)