Cmd, wait=True, shell=True)

Run cmd based on subprocess.Popen. If wait is True, run will return the tuple of (returncode, stdout). Note, stderr is redirected to stdout. If wait is False, run will return object of Popen. shell is same to parameter of Popen.

>>> from pydu.cmd import run
>>> run('echo hello')
(0, b'hello\r\n')  # Python 3
>>> run('echo hello', wait=False)
<subprocess.Popen at 0x22e4010f9e8>

Get command line argv of self python process. On Windows when using Python 2, cmdline_argv is implemented by using shell32.GetCommandLineArgvW to get sys.argv as a list of Unicode strings. On other system or using Python 3, cmdline_argv is same to sys.argv.

There is an example on PyCharm Python Console:

>>> from pydu.cmd import cmdline_argv
>>> cmdline_argv()
['/Applications/', '61253', '61254']